When I first began reading the book The Curve of Binding Energy, I knew from the beginning that this book dealt with nuclear bombs and scientific facts. The Curve of Binding Energy, by John McPhee is based about the life of Theodore b. Taylor. McPhee briefly discusses Theodore B. Taylor’s theory on making a nuclear bomb and ways terrorism should be prevented. The theme of this book consisted on many procedures Taylor had completed during his time. Taylor was involved with the Orion Project which started up his career. His life consisted of being an atomic bomb designer and safeguards. The information given in the book about safeguards fascinated me and I wanted to know more about it once I finished the book.
Reading about safeguards made me wonder where we would be today if we did not have the security we use today. Taylor new how to create an atomic bomb but at the same time he was very concerned with the fact that anyone can do it themselves. He realized that this could cause massive damages to other countries and cities. In the book, McPhee expresses how Taylor is believed safeguards play a strong role and are needed.
The thought of safeguards stuck in my head for so many odd reasons. I began to see in the book that safeguards were laidback and it wasn’t strictly worried about. At the time many were not concerned but Taylor was. During Taylor’s years, gaining the material to make an atomic bomb could have been easily done. It made me wonder what could happen today in our society. Access was open more freely than it is now. It also made me wonder if people had access today to design bombs, what would happen to us because of all our new technology.
For an example, today we cannot leave the country without being searched. To have access to go on a plane we must have certain IDs, certain accessories are not aloud, and our bags must be searched thoroughly. Also as we travel through certain areas police officers now make check points for trucks that are full of stuff. Back then this was not a necessity and things were overlooked until a huge crash occurred. Not until September 11, 2001, was when security made a drastic change all around. Since this day, we get searched in places as if we are criminals because we have to protect our nation from terrorist attacks such a 9/11.
I began to wonder why McPhee specifically chose Theodore B. Taylor to write about. I realize how he chose his topics to tell about Taylor’s life. He spoke about the safeguards and Taylor’s thought because this is something that still could happen in our generation. Nuclear attacks can take place at anytime if someone has the right material for it. It’s hard to find now but still can happen. I completely agree with Taylor’s ideas and thoughts about safeguards. By his feelings toward nuclear attacks it makes us more comfortable that in the future it will stop. Overall, McPhee’s book should be a wake up call to the United States warning then to make sure that these nuclear materials are safeguarded.
After finishing this book, it opened my eyes to new thoughts. The book made me realize that during Taylor’s time these materials were open but with such limited technology. I wonder what can happen now because our technology has reached such a level. We have internet and TV resources that could help people succeed. Now I see why Taylor did not violate any of the secrets. He made sure noone knew anything because he did not want any of his information let out.
Even though I feel our security is safe and couldn’t get any better because of September 11, we should still have precautions. We should still make sure our nuclear materials are secured safely and will keep strengthening. Throughout McPhee’s book we can tell Taylor was correct on how terrorist could easily steal nuclear materials and make there own bombs to harm others. I feel September 11, 2001 made a huge impact for everyone to rethink how important safeguards are and how our security should always be strong.